The XVI TRANSTEC International Transport Corridors Forum is organized to promote the creation of favorable conditions for the breakthrough scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the regions interested in improving existing transport corridors and developing new ones. The Forum demonstrates the capabilities of transport industry companies to integrate into global logistics chains, as well as a full range of technologies, equipment and materials for transport construction – from design to construction and modernization of transport infrastructure facilities. The Forum is traditionally attended by representatives of government agencies, professional associations, research centers, transport and industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. The TRANSTEC Forum has been held since 1994 with the support of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Government of St. Petersburg, industry unions, transport and infrastructure associations. According to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, over the years, TRANSTEC "...has established itself as a popular professional platform for regular support of the international B2B and expert dialogue in the interests of developing practical cooperation... ".

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